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Sacramento Bankruptcy Statistics

Sacramento Bankruptcy Statistics

Sacramento bankruptcy statistics have been telling the past decade. Bankruptcy filings peaked in 2010. Over 50,000 bankruptcy filings were reported in Sacramento that year. The bankruptcy court in Sacramento is the United States Bankruptcy Court. It serves the entire eastern district of California. The court serves a broad area. It covers everything from Fresno to the Oregon boarder. From the delta to Lake Tahoe. It’s a wide geographical base. This is the link to the court. Here is the district map. This shows all the locations the court covers. It is bag.

Bankruptcy filings in Sacramento are now down. They are less than 2010. Much less. The reason for the decline is due to credit. Or a lack thereof. The great recession caused economic chaos. Credit was too high. Jobs were lost. And debt could not be repaid. It was that simple. It has taken a long time. But credit is now on the rise. This CNBC story is telling. Read it. See for yourself. This may be a recipe for moving Sacramento bankruptcy statistics. Just as it did several years ago.

The economic theory here is not complicated. Rising debt. Stagnating economy. Rising Sacramento bankruptcy statistics. They all go along. Consumers need money to pay debt. The more debt they have, the more money they need. With this increasing debt, increasing income is needed. It’s not happening. So far. The economy may catch up with the debt. But it hasn’t yet.

If the debt and income aspects of the economy don’t reconcile, something has to give. Consumers are typically left holding the bag. But bankruptcy can be a financial fix. Bankruptcy is a way to eliminate debt when you can’t afford to repay it. That is why Sacramento bankruptcy statistics showed such a spike several years ago. And may do so again. Chapter 7 bankruptcy can eliminate all your debt. Chapter 13 bankruptcy can pay off part of your debt. And it eliminates what you can’t afford to repay. Whatever your need, bankruptcy can cure what the economy is not.

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Debt Statistics

Debt Statistics

Average Credit Card Debt in America: 2016 Facts & Figures
The following debt statistics outline the median credit card debt in america.
Average Credit Card Debt in America
The mean credit card debt of U.S. households is approximately $5,700, according to most recent data from the Survey of Consumer Finances by the U.S. Federal Reserve. This information comes from data collected up through to the year 2013, and represents the most reliable measure of credit card indebtedness in the United States. The “mean amount of credit card debt” considers balances that Americans above the age of 18 have on average, throughout the year.

Another method for estimating average credit card debt is to look only at indebted households – excluding who pay their balances in full on a monthly basis. To obtain this figure, we looked at data reported by the Federal Reserve for Outstanding Revolving Debt – we then divided that number by the number of card-carrying households each year. As of March 2016, the average credit card debt for these households is $16,048.

Period Outstanding Revolving Debt (Billions) Estimated Total Outstanding Credit Card Debt (Billions) Avg. Indebted Household Credit Card Debt Percent Change in Average Debt
2010 $841 $673 $15,024 -3.51%
2011 $843 $674 $14,915 -0.73%
2012 $846 $677 $14,671 -1.63%
2013 $852 $682 $14,609 -0.43%
2014 $890 $712 $15,165 +3.81%
Q1’15 $891 $713 $15,020 -0.95%
Q2’15 $910 $728 $15,336 +2.10%
Q3’15 $923 $738 $15,547 +1.37%
Oct. 2015 $924 $739 $15,568 +0.14%
Nov. 2015 $929 $743 $15,652 +0.54%
Dec. 2015 $936 $749 $15,779 +0.81%
Jan. 2016 $938 $751 $15,812 +0.21%
Feb. 2016 $941 $753 $15,863 +0.32%
Mar. 2016 $952 $762 $16,048 +1.16%

Average Credit Card Debt by Region

Average credit card debt varied widely by state or region. According to data from the credit reporting agency TransUnion, the typical Alaska residents carried the most credit card debt – an average of $6,910 – this is 23% more than Colorado, which is the next state carrying the highest average credit card debt.

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Sacramento Bankruptcy Statistics

Sacramento Bankruptcy Statistics

In 2014 there were more than 20,000 bankruptcy filings in Sacramento. You’re not alone!

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