Did you make a resolution to begin this year? Do you have debt? Perhaps you should make a debt resolution. If you owe more debt than you can afford to repay, make 2018 a year you do something about it!
There is a lot of new consumer debt, as this NBC news story reflects. More so now, if not soon, than before the Gre
at Recession. Consumer debt, particularly credit card debt, can be crippling. A debt resolution to do something about this is a good idea. But what?
Paying your debt is a great debt resolution, a simple one indeed. But few can afford to do that. That's why people are in debt. They can't afford to get out. Owing more than you can afford to repay is a common consumer issue. Even if you cannot repay your debt, there are other options.
Debt Resolution
Consumers often look to debt consolidation as a debt resolution. But it is rarely that. Typically there are hidden fees and costs associated with debt consolidation. And commonly debt consolidators are associated with or owned by credits card companies. Sometimes "consolidating" your debt winds up channelling more money to some creditors at the expense of others. All of which has your credit.
Bankruptcy is generally a better debt resolution option. Bankruptcy is a negative on your credit. But so is your debt. If you debt is deep enough, bankruptcy may actually benefit your credit. Weighing whether it is better to have debt without bankruptcy, versus filing for bankruptcy and eliminating your debt is the question.
If you have debt, especially if it is more than you can afford, I invite you to contact me for a free consultation to evaluate your debt resolution options. Maybe bankruptcy is the best bet to get rid of your debt. Maybe it's not. But until you contact me, you won't know what's right for you!