By James Keenan on Wednesday, 08 March 2017
Category: Bankruptcy News

Sacramento Bankruptcy: NFL (Not For Long) Bankruptcy History

Sacramento Bankruptcy: NFL (Not For Long) Bankruptcy History

With the start of the playoffs, ratings and revenue surge in the NFL and, along with it, players earn bonuses beyond their salaries. Those riches, though, are temporary. The average career in the NFL is less than 4 years. When football careers end, lifestyles for many often don’t. Debt results when spending exceeds income.

More debt than income to repay it is not a concept immune to any profession. Ex-NFL players, statistically speaking, file bankruptcy more frequently than the norm. The attached story illustrates this phenomenon.

While there are factors in every financial field and family that can precipitate bankruptcy, know that you are not alone if you need to file bankruptcy.

For those more interested in NFL scores than bankruptcy statistics, click here.